
Saturday, November 5, 2011

St. Margaret Mary craft show

I did my first real arts and craft show today! I have set up before at events, but this was my first time being with all artists and crafters. A few friends from D.I.Y. Louisville mentioned the St. Margaret Mary craft show to me, so I decided to go for it! The show was today and it went pretty well.
St. Margaret Mary craft show by E. Magee
St. Margaret Mary craft show, a photo by E. Magee on Flickr.

My good friend Amanda was there with me, which was great. It really makes things easier to have help. Here I am at my booth!
At a craft show

I made some new dolls for the show that are little Christmas elves! Meet Tinsel, Snowflake, & Ginger!



I would love to do some more shows before the Holidays! I always keep my facebook page up-to-date with where I am and what I'm up to. I have big plans! You should check it out and become a fan! Go to

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