
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Days 9 & 10: National Craft Month

I've been hard at work on some crafts for National Craft Month, although it is pretty easy to get distracted by the beautiful early Spring we are having.

On Day 9 I finished up the 3 little bunnies I was working on. Meet Carrot, Cottontail, and Clover! They are Cadbury's friends.



Today I started work on a needle felting craft. I have never done needle felting before, but loved all of the completed projects I have seen all over the internet. Inspired by this post, I decided it was time to give it a try!

New project

Needle felting an egg

I love getting my craft on, but here are some other fun bits and pieces for Spring.
Neon eggs
I love Martha's cover this month. The neon eggs are awesome!

Tornado, Rainbow, and Sun
My nephew drew me a great picture after our recent tornado.


Amazingly, the daffodils survived, even after the tornado and the snow we had the day after that. Actually, I'm hoping the recent sunshine sticks around with all the crazy weather we've had.

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