
Sunday, December 9, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

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I am very excited every year at this time. Although, 2nd to Halloween as my favorite holiday, Christmas is in the best month: December! Why is December the best month, you ask? Because it is my birth month!

Maybe it's silly, but it feels extra special to spend my birthday in the month filled with beautiful lights, decorations, and an abundance of happiness and goodwill from those around me. Now, if we could just have a magical snow fall, it would be perfect.

We have been decorating the house, and the tree looks great!

We have been baking, and the treats are yummy!

We have also been crafting... which leads me to some terrific news!




Julee of D.I.Y. Louisville and I are going to be on television! WDRB in the Morning is going to have us on air this week!

Set your DVRs to WDRB on Wednesday, December 12. We are doing two segments, one at 7:45am EST and one at 8:15am EST.

Big shout out and thank you to Sterling, Candyce, and Cara for bringing us on!

We have an awesome craft to share, just in time for Christmas, so be sure to check it out!

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