
Friday, October 25, 2013

Autumn Beauty

I have to admit that the Fall season blows me away with its bounty and beauty. Maybe it's the realization that Summer is over, or it's the chilly weather, but I always seem to have a heightened awareness of the sights, sounds, and smells of Autumn.

I can smell my neighbor's firewood roasting and see the blooming mums in all their glory around the neighborhood. The sunsets appear to be more dazzling and the crisp air and crackle of the fallen leaves underfoot leave me with such a happy feeling. Everyone seems to be outside, soaking up the last days before winter. Even the spiders creating their webs add to the beauty of Autumn.

Nature sure puts on a spectacular seasonal show! I think this weekend will be the perfect time to look for a pumpkin to complete our Autumn decor. It's a fun way to really get into the spirit of the season!
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and can also take some time to enjoy the seasonal offerings whether it's carving a pumpkin or sipping something pumpkin flavored, or taking a walk through the park to admire the changing leaves. 

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