
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cookies for Santa

Christmas is only one week away! It's hard to believe, but I almost feel ready after putting the finishing touches on my latest craft for the Holidays--a cookie plate for Santa (and one for the elves, too)!

Making a Christmas cookie plate is simple. All you need for this project is a blank plate, non-toxic or food safe paint, and a paint brush. I used a red plate to create Santa's belly. I found my plates at Target, but you could easily find them at other stores, too.

Using a wide paintbrush, I painted a black line under the center of the plate.

Once the black paint is dry, add a gold buckle with gold paint and a smaller brush. You can also add details on the plate with white paint and a fine brush. I painted "For Santa" at the top of my plate.

Add another coat of paint to the belt buckle and the text and allow plate to dry. Be sure to follow the paint bottle instructions for curing times. The paint I used needed to dry for several days.

As a fun bonus, I used a green plate to make a cookie plate for the elves!

Don't these plates make a cute matching set? This is a fun craft to make, and you have just enough time to create it by Christmas! 

All you have to do now is add cookies & milk! Santa will be pleased. We're partial to leaving chocolate chip cookies for Santa, but Oatmeal fudge is good too. What is your favorite cookie to leave for Santa?

I hope you enjoyed this project, another craft for WDRB in the Morning. Julee at D.I.Y. Louisville is also getting crafty this morning. Don't forget: even if you miss our television appearances you can always check out our videos online

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