
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Offline Activities to Help You Decompress

I don’t know about you, but I am feeling a heightened amount of anxiety and stress right now due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. It is so important for all of us to stay informed and be responsible world citizens right now, but I find myself constantly refreshing every digital app in a way that is not good for my mental health. I decided to make a list of offline things I can do during my free time and am sharing it in case it helps others.

-Make cards or write letters.

-Transcribe family recipes.

-Dust off and use the sewing machine/crochet hook/knitting needles/[insert craft tool here].

-Read books or magazines.

-Light some candles and take a bubble bath.

-Cook or bake a favorite treat.

-Update your bullet journal or diary or start recording your experiences during this time to look back on.

-Do some Spring cleaning around the house.

-Take a walk around your neighborhood (keeping social distancing in mind). 

Let me know in the comments: what things you would put on your list?

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