
Monday, January 30, 2012

Speaking of books...

I read this article in The Courier-Journal over the weekend, and as an English major, I got really excited!

There is an organization called World Book Night that is looking for volunteers to give out books (all over the USA) on April 23rd to mark World Book Night 2012. The books are being donated by publishers, printers, distributors, and authors, and the organization just needs regular folks, like you and me, to sign up to give away 20 copies of a book you love to people who are not regular readers. WBN2012 will ship your book of choice to a library or bookstore for you to pick up, and then you just hand out the books on or around April 23.

I think that this is so awesome, and already signed up to be a book giver! Givers have to sign up by February 1st, so please pass this along to anyone you think would be interested! The books include young adult fiction and adult fiction. I love so many of the books from the list of 30, that it was difficult for me to choose, but I finally settled on "Zeitoun" by Dave Eggers. I plan on handing out the books to customers at my day job while my mom is going to give her 20 books ("The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini) away at my Grandfather’s nursing home. The possibilities are endless!

Let's spread our love of books and education, friends!

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