
Friday, February 3, 2012

Visiting the 'quarium

As much as I would LOVE to be able to be a crafty entrepreneur full-time, I do have a day job. Sometimes my day job pushes other activities and hobbies to the side, which is why I love vacation days! I took the day off today so that I could go to the Newport Aquarium (or the 'quarium as C calls it) with my Mom, my little nephew C, and J. It's about 2 hours from Louisville, so we got up early and took the day trip. The 4 of us always giggle and have fun, so it was a good day.




Shark bait

At the aquarium


C actually requested that we take him on this trip. We went two years ago, and out of the blue this week, he had been asking to go back. Now that he's 4 years old, he likes to plan his own excursions. Plus, he has a fascination with water. He's such a big fan of Florida beaches and the Falls of the Ohio, locally. He will even eat fish, while he won't even try most other foods. It is definitely a shared passion of C and J!

It was certainly an excellent way to spend my day off! What did you do today?

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