
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 1: National Craft Month


I am excited to try to craft every day for the month of March in honor of National Craft Month. Today's project is something that I have been working on for a while... years actually. Somehow it kept getting tucked away. However, I am determined to finally complete it! It is going to be a log cabin quilt. Of course I didn't finish it today, but I did get a lot of the fabric cut and was able to crank out a few blocks.

Fabric for quilting

I love purples and yellows together, so I'm hoping that this quilt looks amazing when I eventually finish it. I also hope that the person I am making it for will like it!
Quilt blocks

Quilt square

Also, here's a quick teaser for the newest doll that I have created!
doll teaser

I won't be able to share photos of this doll until she is received! Stay tuned... she's worth it!

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