
Thursday, September 27, 2012

I actually made something from pinterest!

I love pinterest!

The only two things I would love more about pinterest are:
a.) If I had invented it.
b.) If I had more time to make things I pinned on it!

That being said, I actually did make something I pinned! It's a small step toward organizing my craft room, but I'm excited! I saw this pin several months ago and thought, "I could do that! And I need to do that!" My ribbon rolls were chaos! I already had one of the plastic bins, and was using it for my chaotic acrylic paint supply (more on that later).


I didn't have dowel rods, so at first I used chopsticks, but they weren't really long enough.


I randomly had some bare plastic stems from the fake flowers I used on the KY Derby hats. They worked great! If I just pull the ribbon through the holes, easy-peasy (& organized) ribbon storage!


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