
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Small Business Saturday 2012

note cards

In honor of Small Business Saturday, I thought I would post some of my favorite businesses to support, like I did last year.

Last year I focused on Louisville businesses only, but this year I thought I would share some of my favorite online shops, too.

If you've never heard of Etsy, you're missing out on a vibrant community of crafters and artists who are able to launch their own small businesses with Etsy's easy to use store front platform. I have found a number of amazing small businesses to support through this website.

Some of my favorite etsy small businesses include:

Kin Ship Press: A Louisville owned and operated business specializing in screenprinted home goods and apparel. They have some of the cutest stuff, but I especially love the Custom Name mugs.

Imagination Kids: a shop offering handmade, eco-friendly wooden toys, is one of the best finds on Etsy. Although I haven't had a chance to buy any of their toys yet, I am saving up for the time when the people around me start to have kids! This will be the first shop I buy from! Less than 2 hours from Louisville, in Greenwood, Indiana, I would consider this a local gem too! I know J would love the shark toy if we had a little one!

Ryan Conner's Originial Cat Folk Art: A funny, whimsical shop full of hilarious cat art. I bought the skeleton cat for J last Halloween, and love the glitter Santa cats Ryan is offering this year.

My Paper Crane: One of the most successful small businesses I know of, Heidi Kenney's shop My Paper Crane is filled with colorful handmade plush with personality. From her signature pizza slices and donuts, to cute seasonal gifts, her handmade items are delightful. I love her whimsical Snow White and the Seven Dwarves cross-stitching pattern.

The Black Apple: Another Cinderella story of the handmade world, The Black Apple offers beautiful illustrations and unique dolls. Emily Martin, the shop owner, is an amazingly talented artist, and she has become more successful each year with an appearance on Martha Stewart and published children's book. I love the recipe cards she illustrated and listed in her shop! I have some, but can't bear the thought of actually writing on them and messing them up!

What are your favorite independent and small businesses? Leave a comment on this post. I'd love to check out your favorites!

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