The best part about crafting for any Holiday is of course making decorations! This wreath is fun and easy for Valentine's Day. Using a wooden dowel, a styrofoam heart form, felt, ribbon, and burlap, you can make this pretty wreath for your home.
You will need:
Heart form base

Cut a thin strip of burlap fabric and tape/glue the end to the back of the heart and begin wrapping tightly around the heart. Remove the dowel to wrap all the way around. If you run out, just cut a new strip of burlap and begin wrapping where you left off. I used three pieces of burlap to wrap this heart. When you have covered the entire heart form, tuck in the end on the back and secure with glue.

Once you have the dowel rod in place, you can turn it into Cupid's Arrow!

Cut two triangles from felt for the arrow end. Cut a rectangle that is 4x7 inches. Fringe both ends of the rectangle and fold in the center.

Hot glue the slanted sides of the triangles together. Let cool. Now glue the bottom of the triangle onto the end of the dowel rod.

Wrap the fringed piece around the other end of the arrow and tie on with another piece of felt.

You can use glitter to accent the felt pieces on the arrow to make it sparkle.

Once the arrow is finished, add the bow to the wreath.

I made a big puffy bow and then added another one in a different pattern. To finish the wreath, I put a red painted wooden heart in the center of the bow.

The last thing to do is tie another piece of burlap to the top of the heart to hang it up. Happy Valentine's Day!

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